Hi Folks!
The name is Jhonatan Arias (yes, that’s right! with the H after the J). I am an Art director, born and raised in a beautiful country known as Colombia; which by the way is much different than what the media insists to portray. Just for the record, Colombia has one of the most innovative cities in the world, Medellin; the place I call home.
I describe my self as a designer who in addition to speaking and writing two languages (English/Spanish), seeks adventures, loves music, idealizes movies, adores dancing, craves drawing and is definitely a crafts' addict.
A few years ago I started a magical journey by acquiring an Associate Degree in Graphic Design, at a playground back in the state of Pennsylvania. Two years later I encountered my self going back to school and continuing my education in New York City, at Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). Where I entered for the very first time in life, into a boxing ring thirsty for knowledge and creativity. I confronted and fought against powerful rivals such as the competitive and creative world. In the process I received a bunch of black and blues, but in return I learned a few amazing design tricks that I keep up my sleeve. As a result I earned a second Associate Degree in Communication Design, and a Bachelors Degree in Advertising Design. In addition to these I completed two minors, in Economics and Creative Technology.
So yes, I guess I can say it was worth the fight. This website gives you a better understanding of the kind of moves and tricks I learned during the six year fight.
Since than, as a designer my main goal is to create unique experiences for those who come across my work, while trying to push the boundaries of design and give birth to new ideas. I am a strong team player, who thoroughly enjoys conceptual thinking, storytelling and who seeks to create strong strategies to develop great solutions.
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